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Massage & Wellness


Hello and welcome!

I'm Sharon McEnteggart-Roddie and I would like to give you time to Connect You to You.

The gift of massage is to heal. To give you time to rest and recover your mind, body and spirit.

Throughout my life I have been drawn to the world of massage, well-being, meditation and Chakra healing.

We all need time to ourselves; to relax, to contemplate our next move and even to just sleep! And my aim is to provide you the time to unwind, escape the pressures of the day and to feel revitalised through ways of massage and relaxation.


Feel free to contact me to explore your needs.



Massage therapy is one of the oldest care practices known to history and dates back more than 4000 years. It helps the body to heal itself and it’s known to improve blood circulation and lymph movement, reduce muscular tension and relieves stress.

Studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels - the feel good hormones!

Common causes of muscle knots and discomfort, include stress and tension, ​injuries relating to lifting, repetitive motion and poor posture and a range of massage techniques and stretches can assist in improving restricted movements and lower back pain and discomfort. ​


Swedish Massage is a wonderful therapy that works on the soft tissue of the body.

It eases muscular tensions, stretches ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and flexible and promotes total relaxation.


It helps to increase the delivery of blood and oxygen to the area, releasing toxins from the muscles and prevents muscle injury and decreases pain. 


A sports massage works on muscle groups and at a  deeper level relating to injury, overuse or general stiffness and discomfort.

This type of massage stretches the muscles, breaks down adhesions and scar tissue which builds up over time causing tension, reduce stress and even helps relax nerves to decrease muscle spasms.  

It helps to increase lymph flow and remove of toxins from the muscles.


With over 7,000 nerves endings in a foot and over 17,000 in a hand! Reflexology stimulates the nerve function that corresponds to organs and systems of the body. 

The therapy increases energy, boosts circulation and induces a deep state of relaxation and well being.

It can assist in improving ones mood and aids sleep. 


A gentle and non-invasive therapy involving the fascia, a web like matrix, that surrounds and envelops every structure in the body.

This therapy maybe one of the most surreal you're experience as your body will learn to unwind any physical or emotional tension by it's own accord. 

It can bring about a sense of ease, softness and relaxation, including the therapeutic release of chronic underlying conditions.

For an in deeper understanding of the therapy, visit


Hot and cold stone therapy works deeper into the body's tissues and systems, helps warm up muscles and reduces aches, reduces congestion in the body and boosts the bodies energy levels. 

The cold stones are excellent for relieving sinus issues, reducing swelling and acts as a decongestant for the body.

In combination they help to reduce DOMS & fatigue of muscles and reduce stress and anxiety.


Sharon McEnteggart-Roddie

Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 3RR

Phone: 07514 548 416


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